在航运界,运输管理系统(TMS)无处不在. In fact, over the past decade, 对于那些寻求快速有效管理运输和削减成本的公司来说,它们已经成为一种必不可少的工具. Many shippers who utilize a TMS in shipping may wonder, however, 如果他们能最大限度地利用他们的技术,如果市场上有新的选择,可以提供更大的运输能力.
In this FAQ, we answer questions about the newest developments in TMS technology 并解释这些特性和功能如何使托运人受益. We also analyze how to find a 3PL 有了合适的技术水平,你就可以做出明智的决定,如何保护你的底线.
Innovative TMS technology uses historical data, artificial intelligence, 机器学习和当前趋势预测运输需求和准确预测货运到达时间. It can also:
- Collect and share data from thousands of carriers
- Automate freight shipping processes
- Manage inbound and outbound freight
- Provide real-time shipment tracking and monitoring
- Identify optimal routes to keep shipments on time
并不是每个运输中的TMS都提供这种级别的数据——这仅仅意味着您需要确定这些信息对您的业务模型有多重要. Just remember, an intuitive TMS — along with a leading 3PL -是托运人最好的朋友,可以帮助您以有意义的方式利用所有这些数据,为您的业务带来竞争优势.
TMS是托运人的运输活动中心,也是帮助简化操作的重要信息来源. 事实上,在过去的几年里,公司已经开始使用 advanced levels of shipping data to help them work smarter. Here are three functions you should be utilizing:
- Data, artificial intelligence and machine learning -提高供应链效率和成本效益,同时为改进决策提供商业智能. 这也将有助于数字化和自动化,使您的操作更有条理, accurate and efficient.
- Predictive analytics —Uses historical data and current trends to learn the type of mode to use; whether using multiple modes would have better outcomes; how fast shipments can be delivered before it's no longer cost-effective; what route to take to avoid risks for time- or temperature-sensitive shipments and more.
- Real-time tracking and tracing -让您计划进站和出站活动,并通过确保准时提货和送货来加强客户关系. 这些技术还可以帮助您绕过运营商容量问题,允许您更容易地访问更多运营商,以便您可以比较价格和服务.
A sophisticated TMS in shipping 是否有助于推动供应链能力和提高运营效率. Look for a TMS with the following:
- Carrier contact management and performance visibility
- Digital documentation and storage
- Web portal dashboard capabilities
- Data analytics and customized reporting
- Invoice and audit management
- 自动开票、开票和订货流程
- Real-time tracking and tracing
- Platform integration
- Inbound and outbound transportation management
- 人工智能和机器学习能力
- Blockchain applications
人工智能和机器学习使用TMS中的历史和实时数据来开发算法, predict events and identify issues in the supply chain. 托运人获得了深刻的见解,并利用这些信息做出更明智的决策.
What's the advantage of cloud-based TMS technology?
通过云连接到外部系统,您可以访问货运承运人, 物流解决方案和跟踪功能,从任何设备与互联网接入. 它激活了整个供应链的透明度,因此您可以简化产品流程并预测入境货物的到达. 它还可以实现托运人之间的实时通信和协作, carriers, brokers and customers.
TMS technology allows you to:
- 比较处理你的货物运输类型的承运人之间的成本
- 看看其他承运人对同一货运航线的收费
- 当运力不足或您需要立即周转意外货物时,查找由于取消而空缺的承运人
- 利用路线优化来学习基于天气的最佳路线, 封闭道路和交通,以节省时间和旅行成本
- 利用实时跟踪来查看进站和出站的移动,这样您就可以更好地管理码头活动,并更精确地安排员工
Want more information? Learn about 13 KPIs to Track With a Transportation Management System.
30多年来,十大菠菜台子一直是全球领先的全方位服务,技术驱动, third-party logistics solutions provider 这有助于企业改变他们管理运输的方式. 我们的TMS使托运人能够在一个易于使用的运输平台上最大限度地提高生产力并简化操作. 我们基于云的界面允许托运人在多种模式下对运营商进行评级和购物, optimize routing, create shipping documents, track and tender, 并管理从创建到交付的发货生命周期.
We also provide companies of all sizes with transportation solutions including less-than-truckload and full truckload shipping, plus warehousing, management transportation, and supply chain optimization services.
您准备好了解更多关于十大菠菜台子和我们先进的运输管理系统以及航运业的专业知识了吗? Reach out for a free consultation today!